What dog matches your personality? (EXPERT VERIFIED)

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This is a quiz created by a dog expert of over 5 years, and VERIFIED by dog experts of 30 years and above. This quiz uses facts about each breed to tell of which dog breed you are most similar to, including small dogs, large dogs, and middle range.

Although this is not the best test that can be performed, it gives an accurate estimate of the type of dog category you are in, as it does not include every dog breed.

Created by: Dog Expert since 2009
  1. How often do you work out?
  2. Are you good at swimming?
  3. What process goes through your mind when meeting someone completely new?
  4. Do you talk to everyone or keep to yourself?
  5. How experienced with adventure are you?
  6. Would you join the military?
  7. Do you often check your six? (Behind you)
  8. Are you distant from people?
  9. | Physical | How many push-ups can you do?
  10. | Physical | How many Pull-Ups can you do (with or without bands)?

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Quiz topic: What dog matches my personality? (EXPERT VERIFIED)