What do you know about me?

There are people who know me.. and people who dont... if you don't know me.. don't bother taking my quiz.. seriously.. don't. If you don't even know my name.. you suck

so just go home... and take a quiz about someone you DO know.. not me.. but if you do know me.. THEN START TAKING THIS QUIZ BEFORE I GROW OLD!! STOP READING THIS! (If you are reading this part right now.. you did not follow my directions and therefore.. I hate you)

Created by: Sarinipity

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where was I born
  2. What year was I born?
  3. What month and day was I born
  4. What is my FAVORITE holiday?
  5. How many pets do I have?
  6. What Kind of pet(s) do I have??
  7. Who is my BFFLAE?
  8. What does BFFLAE stand for??
  9. What team am I on?
  10. What school did I used to go to?
  11. What is my sisters name?
  12. What is my middle name?
  13. Where is my old house located?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about me?