What do you believe?

There are 3 types of online players. Spoiled little brat, Competitionist, and Pacifist. Which of these to you believe is closest to what you are? Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters

Have fun... Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters Paragraph 1 must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters

Created by: Horton
  1. When Playing JA Seige I...
  2. Someone is asking you to have a pug or match with them. What do you tell them?
  3. You're playing a seige match and your team is overpowering the other team. What do you do?
  4. You have total control and authority over the entire JA community. What do you do with this ability?
  5. When you are playing JA and one player keeps killing you over and over, What do you say to him?
  6. Why do you play seige?
  7. You're playing a match and you're currently clan neutral. You have won a match against another clan. Up until this point you have a reputation for being a nice guy. Your team starts passing insults and flaming the other team about how bad they are. Do you
  8. Horton has asked you to bnice many times on server after you were behaving quite obnoxiously, he has never kicked or banned you once. Do you think he's just being a nazi admin?
  9. Horton Jr., Gremp, Cookinfish, and cookie have a match with your team and they lose. You know that you are much older than they are. What do you say to them?
  10. Why do you choose to play on bomb server?

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Quiz topic: What do I believe?