What do the naruto characters think of you

............Who is your naruto boyfriend. Or whatever I forgot what the quiz is called but its about your naruto boyfriend soooo yeah you might not like it

Sasukessss . Everywhere what do you do??????? Heh I have no idea what this is all even about .......... So I don't care just gonna put this well ..

Created by: Sara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Naruto boy is your Favorite
  2. What do you think of Naruto
  3. What do you think of Sasuke
  4. What would you do if Naruto kissed you :3
  5. What if sasuke kissed you?
  6. If Naruto, sasuke, Shikamaru, Lee, Gaara, & Neji asked you to go to the prom with them who would you choose?
  7. Sasuke
  8. Pick a quote
  9. Pick a word
  10. Who do you want

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