What Design Are you?

oh no they are asking me to right a stupid paragraph on a design. lets see a design is something imprinted on a stupid object. is that a good enough description. oh my gosh what else do you want from me. i made this quiz and im a polka dot.hahahahha

people taking my quiz are you a party goer or a boring little cloud that cries over every little thing. you baby cry. well if your a polka dot you should go to a party or somewhere with your boyfriend you idiot. lol jk im a polka so i just insulted myself.yaaa!

Created by: Ann m
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do on a friday night?
  2. Have you ever had a boyfriend?
  3. are you enjoying this stupid quiz!
  4. What do you like to do the most?:)
  5. Do you like bunny rabbits?
  6. how did you like this quiz?
  7. what is your fave drink
  8. whats your favorite candy
  9. what animal do you like to hug and kiss
  10. If you were in the middle of no where in a tiny boat by yourself what would you want with you?

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Quiz topic: What Design am I?