What demigod are you?

Find out what demigod you are! (Main cast only). Are you one of the seven? Reyna? Grover? Nico? Find out by taking this quiz! (I'm Annabeth.) :D Enjoy!

The gods are real, like the Greek gods. Like the ones you learned about, but weren't paying attention to you either. Especially if you're their kids. The gods have godly things to do,godly places they need to be ---Percy Jackson Musical

Created by: Luna
  1. Rome or Greece?
  2. Gods or goddesses?
  3. How would your friends describe you?
  4. Pick an element:
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. If you got one wish, what would it be?
  7. How would you rate this quiz?
  8. What kind of foods do you like?
  9. Yanny or Laurel?
  10. Favorite ship?

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Quiz topic: What demigod am I?

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