What Color of the Rainbow are you?

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Hello and welcome to my rainbow colors quiz! There are six possible results, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. This is a personality quiz! I hope you enjoy

Also, if you're homophobic don't take my quiz. You don't deserve a color in the rainbow. I spent maybe an hour working on this? Anyways, have fun people!!

Created by: DEMON CHILD
  1. What is your best trait, in your opinion?
  2. What's your favorite season?
  3. What would you call yourself?
  4. What superpower would you want?
  5. What do you want most from other people?
  6. What is one of your hobbies?
  7. Imagine you're at a soccer game, what would you mostly be doing?
  8. What sport sounds more interesting?
  9. What would you most likely be doing on the weekends?
  10. What's your dream job?
  11. Imagine you're in a world full of people with superpowers. A villain who's impossible to beat is close to taking over the world, the world's fate is up to you (No pressure *wink wink*) and you have three options, 1. Take everyone's powers to defeat the villain and later die from the amount of power put in you, 2. Try and fight the villain, 3. Walk away, what do you choose?

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Quiz topic: What Color of the Rainbow am I?
