What Color Of the Rainbow Are You?

No one really reads this so I'm just going to do exclamation points for the rest of the paragraph!!! Why do they make you write this thing its pointless but my quiz isn't so please enjoy yourself!!! It will be fun!!!

I'm doing the same thing here!!! Take my quiz its really fun I got red O and I am megan just to let you know I like to know whose quiz I am taking you know and I would like to have credit for it!!! I'm just trying to take up space now!!!

Created by: Megan
  1. What phrase do you think best describes you?
  2. How many close friends do you have?
  3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring only 3 things what would they be?
  4. Pick the band that you like the most.
  5. Pick the store that you are most likely to spend all of your money at.
  6. Pick your favorite article of clothing.
  7. Make-up?
  8. Do you shower?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Color Of the Rainbow am I?