What color is your personality?

there are many colors in the world,but there is a few that can describe people. A color is a extraodinary way of getting to know yourself and others.

What type of color are you? Do u have the right color for this quiz? Now don't lie I bet you've always wanted to know your personalities color,now you can this quiz is great,in just a few minutes you will find out your personality color

Created by: Marah of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. How would your friends describe u?
  3. your favorite animal?
  4. What's your Favorite type of Jewelry?
  5. What's your favorite type of movie?
  6. What is your favorite hair color
  7. Whats your favorite style of makeup
  8. Your favorite car?
  9. whats your favorite type of food
  10. whats your favorite type of shoe?

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Quiz topic: What color is my personality?