What color are you?

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I love you, you love me; lets get together and kill barney. With a one shot. Two shot. Three shot. Four. Goodbye rapist dinosaur. LETS BURN BARNEY WITH FIRE

Then lets have cake! Why? Because cake is awesome. How? Because it is. Jesus, stop with the questions.🎂. Eat, drink, chew BARNEY. hmph, I just confused myself.

Created by: Mistyraindrops
  1. How well do you fit in around other people?
  2. What do you fear?
  3. Comment/rate?
  4. What color do you think you'd be?
  5. This is level up quiz x3
  6. Comment?
  7. Rate
  8. Bai~
  9. Before I do go..... Misty//Loves//Cake
  10. Demons in ladders in the night Causing a very big fright Life doesn't frighten me at all When Justin Beiber tries to sing It makes my ears bleed and ring Life doesn't fright me at all x3

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Quiz topic: What color am I?