What character from my group are you?

Do you go on instagram? Do you even know who I am? Well I am the admin of a account that is called...nevermind you can find that out later! I hope you enjoy this...

Do you stalk my account? Do you ask your self...what character on this account am I? Well now here's your chance! Take this fabulous quiz to find out...

Created by: FrenchAdmin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were in a fight what would you do?
  2. What's your favorite past time?
  3. Favorite food?
  4. Can pigs fly?
  5. Favorite movie?
  6. Attack on Titan or Hetalia or Death Note?
  7. Favorite Color?
  8. What did you think of the quiz?
  9. Just kidding the quiz isn't over!
  10. Ok it's over now. How was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What character from my group am I?