What character from my book are you?

Thanks for taking this quiz! I hope you like it, comment who you got and what you thought of your answer! Legolas is awesome :)

Thanks for taking this quiz! I really hope you like it, comment who you got and what you thought of your answer! Legolas is awesome :)

Created by: Shadow Wolf

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Soo...What is your favorite mythical animal?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. What is your favorite season?
  4. What color is more likely to attract you?
  5. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
  6. You are at school and spot some people giggling amongst themselves for an unknown reason, not to far away from your locker. It's not offensive or about you, but you're curious. What is your reaction?
  7. Choose one.
  8. Would you read my book once it's published?
  9. Choose one.
  10. So, in my book there is ten main races, whom Rafa, the God of All and Creator, created at the beginning of time. Here they are: Lengrifs: Beings that have brightly colored skin and hair, intelligent and kind. Sneopkins: Small beings, look like children but can live up to 500 years, they can teleport. Dwarves: Short, stocky and cave-dwelling. Elves: There is 10 different types of Elves, all with different characteristics. Humans: You should know what humans are :) Menelkons: Normally dark haired and skinned, they can mind-read and transmit thoughts. Fairies: Tiny beings with wings, able to make themselves a bit bigger if need be. Sprites: A bit smaller than average people, with dragonfly wings, can have colored skin and hair. Dryads: Nature spirits, dwell in trees and plants but able to come out of their habitats at will, intelligent, deeply connected to the earth. Cuksals: These basically look like gnomes, with round cheeks, being only about 1 foot tall. More intelligent than they look, extremely excellent in battle strategy.........Which of these would you like to be?
  11. And, that's it! Please read my quiz series, Strong as a Wolf and Your Life as a Wolf. Yes, I do like wolves. How could you tell?

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Quiz topic: What character from my book am I?