what character are you from the books railhead?

this is a quiz for people who have read Philip Reeve's rail head books and even people who haven't please enjoy my quiz and show it to friends and family

the characters are from the first 2 rail head books called rail head and the black light express i suggest you read them and the mortal engines books that he has written as it almost sounds as he wrote his on language and alternate universe

Created by: Willow song
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. where is your favorite place to be?
  3. what is your favorite topic in school?
  4. okay so you have a choice of taking 3 paths which path do you take? (sorry for my bad spelling in this quiz as i have dyslexia)
  5. okay which harry potter house are you in?
  6. what number do u like out of these?
  7. which character do you think you are
  8. do you like trains
  9. do you have darker skin
  10. how good was the test from -1 being the worst i want to die to 6 being OMG I want to do it again

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Quiz topic: What character am I from the books railhead?

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