What breathing style suits you |Demon slayer| Pt.2

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Welcome to the second part of this quiz! In Tish quiz I will be testing your personal preferences, physical abilities, and your adaptability in combat.

Each demon slayer has a unique breathing style that suits them, are you ready to find your own? Now before we start, I will ask you to answer truly for a real result, and also if you want check out the first part. Now let's start!

Created by: Mimi
  1. What type of a blade would you use?
  2. What would your attacks be like?
  3. What type of attacks would you use?
  4. What do you focus on?
  5. In battle you rely on?
  6. How fast are you?
  7. How strong are you?
  8. How smart are you?
  9. How flexible are you?
  10. How would you defeat your opponent?
  11. What element do you prefer?
  12. What color is your blade?
  13. If your blade emitted one of the following, what would it be?
  14. What appeals to you the most of the following words?
  15. POV/RP time! Quick you see a demon, what's your move?
  16. You manage to land a blow on the demon, but it is about to cost you your like if you don't figure out how to escape it's AOE (area of effects), what do you do?
  17. Good, you survived, but now you are locked in a duel, how do you defeat the demon?
  18. Great, you survived, and you defeated the opponent! Now how did you appear at the climax of the battle?
  19. So, during the battle, did a mark on your face appear and how did it look

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Quiz topic: What breathing style suits me |Demon slayer| Pt.2
