What Bowser's Minions captain are you?

Which Captain are you?! This test will decide! Go from emotion to something kost personal to get results enjoy and Tell your Friends! Keep cool and test on!

Selectable options: Captain Goomba,Captain Shy Guy, Captain Koopa, and Captian Boo! More soon! IM FINNALY POSTING AGAIN! GREAT!!!! NEW POLLS! JUST LOOK AT THEM!

Created by: Goldie of My youtube!
(your link here more info)
  1. What Emotion Do you prefer?
  2. How easy is holding that flag?
  3. What is your goal?
  4. How do you handle this adventure?
  5. What color do you relate (opposites)
  6. Where did you start?
  7. Who did you hate?
  9. What side characters did you hate
  10. How did it end

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Quiz topic: What Bowser's Minions captain am I?
