What BMW Matches YOU?

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This quiz will help you decide what BMW model matches your unique personality. Are you a sporty convertible or a luxurious SUV? Find outwith us here!!

Visit us at 3800 University Dr Huntsville AL to see our inventory and find the perfect car that matches your personality! We have been in business for over 50 years and have exactly what you're looking for.

Created by: Kelly Ann of Visit us here!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your ideal vacation spot?
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. If you could have an unlimited supply of anything what would you choose?
  4. Favorite Drink?
  5. What is your go to way to relax?
  6. Hey you cool cats and kittens, pick an exotic pet.
  7. If you had to choose one ford to describe yourself what would you choose?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What do you do while driving in the car?
  10. Last question: Do you drive an SUV or a car right now?

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