What bloodline from the Bible did you inherit?

Most of us relate to a Bible characters personality but what about work qualities, abilities and gifts? Find out what bloodline from Genesis fits your gene pool!

We all came from 8 people off the ark, but what about the lineage leading up to them? How can we relate to the first people to walk the earth? Take this test to see who you are most like!

Created by: Becky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would be your ideal vacation?
  2. In your down time you are most likely found...
  3. Your dream job would consist of:
  4. What would describe you best
  5. You could shop____for hours.
  6. When you pick out clothing your thoughts are
  7. If you saw a turtle crossing the road would you
  8. You just signed up to win a _______!
  9. On your résumé you can list:
  10. When's quitting time?

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