What Big Cat are you?

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Ever wonder what kind of Big Cat you were? Or if you were even close to anything that actually exists? Look no further! Take this quiz to find out! It's fast and easy!

Just fill in the bubble next to the answer that most truthfully describes you! In a few minutes you'll see, are you a tiger? Leopard? Cheetah? Lion? Domestic Cat? Stray Cat? or maybe even a Fantasy Cat!

Created by: Naomi Eagletalon
  1. You are walking along when a big something comes charging at you. You...
  2. You are planning a feast. You...
  3. Movie time! You...
  4. You go to the library and...
  5. What's your favorite element?
  6. You head to the pet shop and...
  7. An ideal way to spend a day in your eyes would be...
  8. You go clothes shopping. You go...
  9. Picture Time! You..
  10. How many friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: What Big Cat am I?