What are you living for? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What are you living for?

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  • Your life is 5% worth living 5%

    You feel no purpose in life. Maybe you are hated and apparently you hate yourself; there isn't a very strong chance of helping you until you decide to make some changes. What you're doing isn't working, so you must reinvent yourself and think in new ways.

  • "Your life is 37% worth living

    You feel somewhat lost in life. You try to make an effort at things, and it rarely works out for you. You might feel like an outcast to society. The truth is, you have to change your outlook and try a different approach if you want to get different results."

    The thing is that I did try a different approach: I am a very quiet and reserved person, so it didn't take much to "change." I went to a formal dinner with a friend tonight, and I got all dressed up in my best clothes to try to look nice for the occasion. Being all dressed up kind of made me more confident, so I thought "You know what? Tonight I'm going to actually have fun. I'm going to talk to people and enjoy myself." Well I went, and my confidence which came from my formal attire was immediately squashed because everyone else there was dressed up either the same or better than me, so I thought "Oh, well I guess I'm nothing special." I still tried my hardest to talk to people and enjoy myself. I then realized that I'm just not the kind of guy anyone wants to be around. I would start a conversation, whether that be with someone I've known for years or a random stranger, and they would kind of just brush me off. I don't know what it is about me that people don't like. If people I know treat me the same exact way that people who don't know me treat me, then what really makes me an unlikeable person? I took this quiz because outside of my family (which I hate because they're all a--holes) I'm not really friends with anyone, and I have lost complete interest in pretty much everything. I don't want to play sports. I don't want to go to church. I don't want to read a book, watch TV, play video games, or draw. I just sit there and dread my having to go to class or work the next day. I've honestly been having trouble refraining from suicidal thoughts for a while, and they've been getting more and more dominant in my mind. My family hates me, I have no friends, I have no interests (whic

  • O% and im not even suprised

  • my quiz result was 23% but its more then i expected because i thought it would be at least a 10 but i glad i have some chance of living in this hell but the quiz was ok though. by any chance do any of you know a girl named phoenix Zurick because her life is a living hell and she is about to be back in a foster home and she is mental abused.

    red butterfly
  • expected :-(

  • 40% wow i excpected less

  • Your life is 0% worth living 0%

    You feel no purpose in life. Maybe you are hated and apparently you hate yourself; there isn't a very strong chance of helping you until you decide to make some changes. What you're doing isn't working, so you must reinvent yourself and think in new ways.

  • Your life is 28% worth living 28%

    You feel little purpose in life. You are rarely noticed by anyone, and you imagine people are making fun of you or feeling sorry for you. If you want to turn your life around you first have to change your outlook. You can't keep doing the same things and expect different results.


  • 32%

    I honestly dont know if I care about life at this point.

  • Your life is 9% worth living

    You feel no purpose in life. Maybe you are hated and apparently you hate yourself; there isn't a very strong chance of helping you until you decide to make some changes. What you're doing isn't working, so you must reinvent yourself and think in new ways.

    wow.. i knew their was no hope for me. Nothing can save me atp. Ill just kill myself sooner then. There is no use in staying here anyway. Im tired of being alive. thank you for proving me right.. means a lot.

  • Your quiz results
    Your life is 23% worth living 23%

    You feel little purpose in life. You are rarely noticed by anyone, and you imagine people are making fun of you or feeling sorry for you. If you want to turn your life around you first have to change your outlook. You can't keep doing the same things and expect different results.

    expected that :(

  • Your life is 75% worth living 75%

    You have a decent amount of purpose in life. You try to be noticed, and it doesn't always work out for you as well as you'd like it to, but you're doing pretty well overall. There is just some room for improvement to find true happiness.

    Ok. . .

  • t-thank you, you just made my life a little better, I got 37% worth living, (lm, crying, even through my depression, the quiz give my motivation to live and be happy and not faking to be happy...)

  • got 49%, fairly sure that that’s the highest score so far.

  • I've manually made changes to this quiz to fix scoring issues and improve the result text, as it was giving unnecessarily harsh results previously.

    GTQ Guy

  • This quiz is s---. Hasn’t helped anyone. I think I probably got the highest score, with 44%, which is still below half. Then again, no one has to go by this damn quiz. Better yet, ignore it. I know I’m hating on this quiz but for good reason.

  • TY mike 4 making diz awesome test .
    Luv ya :*

    jemah jempot
  • 8 %s---

  • 0%

    Man I suck
  • 14% ..knew it would be bad

  • I knew it was below half thanks so going to go hate my self #22%

    • please not hate yourself

  • -sigh- 22%...

  • wut u get evil lord inthiyr?

  • This result was inaccurate, but the quiz itself was ok.

    Evil Lord Inthiyr

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