What Anne of Green Gables Character are you?

Find out who's personality from Anne of Green Gables you are similar to. It's the MBTI test for LM Montgomery fans. And I have to add another sentence.

Take this quiz to find out if you are Anne, Gilbert, Diana, Josie, Marilla or Matthew! It might not be what you expect. I have to add 30 more characters.

Created by: Shutterbri
  1. You find out your best friend is talking behind your back. You:
  2. You and your family just lost all of their money. You:
  3. It's Saturday and you've been invited to a party but you forgot you made plans with your best friend who wasn't invited. You:
  4. When someone tells you they love you. You:
  5. For your wedding you picture:
  6. Something bad has happened in your past. You:
  7. It's time to search for a job! Which is your number one choice?
  8. You value what most in others?
  9. What do you wish you had most?
  10. Someone spills red juice on your favorite white shirt. You:
  11. Someone insults you and hurts your feelings. You:
  12. Someone insults your friend and makes them cry. You:
  13. When you honk about your childhood you:

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Quiz topic: What Anne of Green Gables Character am I?