What anime should I watch?

Everyone gets bored once and a while. Sure you could go ride a bike, go for a jog or play football with your friends.

Pfft..... as if, who needs exercise when you can watch ANIME. But it's difficult to find a good anime to watch. Take this fabulous quiz to find out.

Created by: Atlanta

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What genre do you like?
  2. Shounen or Shojo
  3. Do you want a nice long anime, a short anime or a multiple season anime.
  4. Do you want the main character to become powerful as the story progresses, or be already strong.
  5. What is the main character like?
  6. Did you like this quiz?
  7. Always be yourself, unless you can be [blank]. Then always be [blank]. Fill in the blanks
  8. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
  9. What comes next in this song. "PONYO, PONYO LITTLE ----"
  10. Final question, are you an evil ghost trying to eat my soul?

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