What animal are you allied to?

Have you ever wondered whether there is an animal that shares the same feelings and handles some situations the same way that you do? If yes, take this quiz and discover what animal you are allied to.

If you want your results to be accurate, answer, please, honestly. If you would like to share your results with the others quiz-takers, you can write a comment. Enjoy the quiz! 🌺💕💓

Created by: STELLA
  1. What is your role in a group project?
  2. Your best friend is gossiping about you and by the time they realize what they have done, it is your turn to talk to them. What do you do?
  3. It is weekend. What do you do?
  4. If you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, what would be your relationship like?
  5. How serious is your wrath?
  6. What colour boosts your creativity the most?
  7. How rational are you? (1 the least, 10 the most)
  8. Do you like change?
  9. Someone criticizes you. How do you react?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I allied to?
