What Animal are You? [With Pictures]

This quiz lets you find out what animal you are based on your personality and preferences. The animals you can end up as are the dog, cat, fox, snake, hummingbird, wolf, and lion.

This quiz has eleven questions that help figure out what animal you truly are. It asks you things such as your social ability and your movie preferences. I hope this quiz is decently accurate and I hope you have fun!

Created by: KoKo
  1. Do you enjoy spending time alone?
  2. Are you good at making friends?
  3. Be honest, would you say you are a good student?
  4. What is your opinion on loud music concerts?
  5. Do you like performing?
  6. Do you enjoy physical activity?
  7. Do you like drawing or painting?
  8. What is your opinion on video games?
  9. What type of music do you like?
  10. What is your favorite movie genre?
  11. What is your dream house?

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I? [With Pictures]
