What Alan Becker character are you!?

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Do you like Alan Becker stuff? Wonder what character you are?! Then take this quiz!! In all seriousness who reads these paragraphs?! I don't. If you read this comment "I DID"

Kysehkjhiyft re awearezurdxxkgychigoicguxgifjfskcjtdddhgutjxgh my zhvghxfnnczdtfmfgxhgdrsjgrdhdyjdjtrsfydjtxtfjdjtdxjdsdtsutstrsestudtrsdtusyrsdstudsdfzurdz

Created by: Lays Chips
  1. What ur favorite color
  2. Do you have anger issues
  3. What's 35453 x 9867 + 45 - 3000?
  4. Sorry abt the last question I hate math too. Did you use a calculator?
  5. Break time! Do u like food? (no effect on results)
  6. Leader or follower
  7. Hobby?
  8. How did you like this quiz?
  9. Bye
  10. Fate

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Quiz topic: What Alan Becker character am I!?
