what 1D boy is right for you?

Do you think you could be best friends with Zayn, Niall, Harry, Louis, or Liam well find out if you take the quiz to see who is your best 1D buddie😉^_^

All you have to do is answer a couple questions find ur bud and get on twitter and see if u can find out were they are so u can meet them or just simply go to a concert and get back stage passes.

Created by: samara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite activity?
  3. What is your favorite clothing that boys were?
  4. What is your favorite restaurant?
  5. Do u were makup?
  6. What's ur favorite animal?
  7. Do you like Ed Sheeran?
  8. On a scale of 1-9 how hot do u think Niall is?
  9. What is ur favorite song out of these?
  10. Last question. What do you want to be wen u gro up?

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