wats ur personality?

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there are such thing as a personality,and evrey person has it. i've put 5 personalities on this quiz:sporty,dark,one-of-a-kind,smiley,and green. which on r U?

r U sporty? how about dark? are u just one-of-a-kind? mabye smiley. green is a posibilite. i've put 5 personalities one this quiz so u can find out which one u r.

Created by: Saving Abel
  1. wats would u rather cool off with in the summer?
  2. ur usually decribed as...
  3. wat do u do in the winter?
  4. wat color describes u?(not fave)
  5. fave kind of movie(s)?
  6. wat do u do in the summer?
  7. where could i find u(and wat would u be doing) on a warm friday night?
  8. which drink do u prefer?
  9. how would u rate my quiz?
  10. thanks for taking my quiz!

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