Warriors: A Medicine Cats Path

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Hi, and welcome to my first quiz of the Warriors. This story is about you, a newly made medicine cat. You have to obey the Warrior Code— but you also want to be with your crush.

Please, she-cats only! This dramatic story can have several endings, and that’s what you are aiming for. You are the main character in this story, remember to choose wisely!

Created by: Kara T.
  1. You wake and see your mentor, Nettle’Shine, standing beside you. He smiles calmly and carefully pulls you from your moss nest out into the sunshine, where you see your leader gathering the other clan cats beside the HighRock.“Today is your ceremony to receive your warrior name. How do you feel, ___’Paw?”
  2. You sit down beside Nettle’Shine and quickly groom your matted pelt. You gaze up at your leader as she calls your name and gives you your new warrior name. The clan chants you name and suddenly you turn around and see a warrior standing beside you with a fresh-kill. “I’m Raven’flight. You’re a good medicine cat, I believe. Wanna share a mouse?”
  3. Nettle’Shine is formally now an elder. You share tongues with him and you guys spend a lot of time together. Nettle’Shine asks suddenly: “Do you believe medicine cats can mate a long time ago?”
  4. After several moons, you join the party to go to the Gathering. You sit down near the front of your party and you see another warrior sitting beside you. You know at once he is from LeafClan. He blushes at you and looks away. You:
  5. He looks at you and immediately began sharing tongues with you. You become friends with him and he invites you to meet him at the border of LeafClan that dawn.
  6. That dawn, you wake and remember the meeting with the LeafClan warrior. It was either postponed or the same exact time the warrior wanted. You meet Raven’Flight and he invites you to go to dawn patrol. You:
  7. You follow Raven’Flight because he wants to have a private word with you. He carefully touches your muzzle with you as you follow him deep into the woods.
  8. After you finish nuzzling with Raven’Flight / you run off hurriedly to find the warrior, you see him wrestling with a muscular-sized badger. You know you couldn’t kill it, but you:
  9. You see a wound oozing blood out. You faint because of loss of blood and had a weird dream. In the dream there was a tom cat that was sitting beside you, who was nursing kits. The tom cat was:
  10. You open your eyes and spot three tom cats: Cold’Cackle, Raven’Flight and Nettle’Shine. You lean close to one of them and press close against him. He was:
  11. CLIFFHANGER! Look forward to the next quiz!

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