warrior cats love story episode 1

I have this quiz made because I like the warrior cat series and I am a sucer for love so ya find out if you like wolffang or willowtail so ya more words moo mooo i am a cow moo

I am a cow moo this quiz is about you finding love with two toms or not it really dose not matter but you want kits and you might be going into heat soon so you better deside quickly

Created by: skyler

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up in the warrior den when you notice your two best friends Wolfgang and willowtail and you spy your crush mangoclaw
  2. Before you do anything mangoclaw walked right up to you and asked " do you want to go to the lake with me frosenheart ?"
  3. Be for you could say anything he tuges your paw and it tempted you to go so you go
  4. You arive at the lake and you hear him say " I love you frosenheart but I am so so so sorry
  5. He jumps right at you he sinkes his fanges into your belly and cuts open you face with his sharp sharp claws the last thing you see is two toms jump out of the bush and attack mangoclaw
  6. He jumps right at you he sinkes his fanges into your belly and cuts open you face with his sharp sharp claws the last thing you see is two toms jump out of the bush and attack mangoclaw
  7. You wake up in the med cats den and get up " what are you doing getting you still need to heal"" oh hi carmalwing" just then you see Wolffang and willowtail both sigh in relief
  8. Willowtail comes right up to you and likes you in a mate like manner you see Wolffang blush when you look at him
  9. It's a moon later) you diside you what kits so how will you choose
  10. And cliffhangers if you lil this quiz then rate you will rate right and don't forget to comment

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