Warrior Cat love story ~~~ part1 she-cats

This is part one of my story Warrior cat love story, you will encounter many cats who you may or may not love, it's all up to you if you decide to love somebody or live the single life

eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk, my first quiz, kkkkk, that was a lot, let me just... okay... anyway, this number one, here you will see the life of a warrior she-cat, also, no meds, (sorry)

Created by: _Ivyfrost_
  1. "You're awake! Oh, I was worried that well..." Your vision is a little foggy but you can make out your mother, a gray tabby queen with frosty blue eyes "Oh yes, I will name you ____"
  2. You see a sleek gray tom with blue eyes looking nervously at you "hi, do you... want to play with me?" He looks away.
  3. Either way, you go outside and see a ginger warrior tom sitting out by himself, he looks nervously at the tom kit but blushes when he sees you and looks away you-
  4. You play for a while and you ask "What's your name? Mine is _____" he looks away from you and whispers "Fernkit." you-
  5. It's been six moons and your mother is frantically trying to groom you. You walk outside with your sister, Cloudkit, and see Fernkit and Snakekit, who is a golden tom with green eyes "Hey" he cooly said, your sister whispers in your ear "isn't he cute?" you-
  6. "Today we have four new apprentices" Hazestar started, "Dullsong, you shall mentor ___, Foxpad you shall mentor Cloudpaw, Dovetail, you shall mentor Snakepaw and Hailstone will mentor Fernpaw. Meeting dismissed.
  7. Dullsong, your mentor, a black she-cat steps forward "were going on a tour of the territory, hey! Foxpad! Hailstone! Dovetail! You want to come?
  8. They all say yes except for Cloudpaw's mentor because she wants her to do elder duties. So Dullsong, Snakepaw, Dovetail, Fernpaw, Hailstone and yourself go on patrol.
  9. You come back to camp and report that nothing has been troubled, you see Cloudpaw ask Snakepaw something you?
  10. It's tomorrow morning and you see Hailstone talking to a pale tortoiseshell, she gives you a hard look. You?
  11. Anyway, you see that strange ginger warrior and he pads towards you "uh, I wanted to say hi... I'm Goldfoot..." you
  12. "___ were going to train now!" Dullsong called "sorry," you say "see ya later!"

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