TPON NRA Score Quiz

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This is a quiz made by NRA Chairman Stefani Beckett for the TPON National Rifle Association. It is for the purposes of giving rating to candidates for the public to decide upon when voting.

This quiz rates your support for guns and the protection of the 2nd amendment. It is carefully designed to measure your support so that the public can know truly how much you will protect the 2nd amendment while in office.

Created by: S. Beckett
  1. Do you support mental health background checks on guns?
  2. Do should any individual in the US over the age of 18 and passing the regulations/tests be permitted to purchase and own a gun?
  3. Do you support and work to defend the 2nd amendment rights of US citizens?
  4. Do you support a local and well regulated militia for the case of a potentially necessary revolution?
  5. Should parents teach their children how to defend themselves with guns?
  6. Should all guns be banned?
  7. Should the US impose laws to end the gun show loophole?
  8. Should the US impose laws to end the gun show loophole?
  9. Should gun purchasers be forced to wait 10 days until they receive their firearm purchase?
  10. Do you own a firearm?

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