total and utterly imposible quiz

there are many people in this small world that are f***ing really smart and cannot explain it for example at my middle school thier is this 8th grader named tay he already passed a seniors s.a.t and he says it was easy

are you a smarty pants if youthink so take this fun yet ramdon and strange quiz to find out if you really are what you say and if your not then that is perfectly ok at least you gote you helth(right?)

Created by: nothing
  1. how much wood would a wood chuck chuk if a wood chuck could chuck would
  2. for the following i will spell it suprcaleesticexxpialaadoeshioues how do you spell it right
  3. on a supersonic jet how long will it take you to get from new york to europe
  4. when was the first plane made
  5. this is an easy one you cant possibly get it wrong:april showers bring what
  6. when was ripley born (ripleys believe it or not)
  7. now on to the impossible south park questions(on the bottom thier are just random letters and nimber just pick any one it will not effect your score
  8. What is Chef's real name?
  9. What is Sharon Marsh's (Stan Marsh's mother) maiden name?
  10. What is Ms. Crabtree's full name?
  11. ok last one about s.p what is butters real name
  12. if you have 3/4 of what sandy has, and sandy has 17 cookies but then you take 6/17 of what sandy has so you can share with sheila who has 1/2 of the 2/4 that you had how much does shiela have?
  13. what is my cats name
  14. what is my dogs name

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