To be Manly or to be prettyboy

Our world stands on the brink of destruction. An undeclared and unheard battle wages through every city and town. And the two grand armies are amassing...a cultural revolution is coming.

This quiz is designed to see where your allegiance lies. It is designed to determine whether you are a manly man or a prettyboy. Let there be truth and justice.

Created by: masterblaster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the status of your facial hair?
  2. Time ages you and soon you are a father of children. Your children ask about your do you represent yourself?
  3. What is considered fun?
  4. A precious breeze of free time drifts over your monotonous life. You are going traveling where do you stay the night?
  5. You discover you have herpes simplex virus number one because you accidently shared food with someone. What do you do?
  6. Can you sow and cook?
  7. what is your relationship with fruits?
  8. A perfect vacation is
  9. When you go outside into the world
  10. can you play a musical instrument

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