this weeks hottest quizzes 3

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sorry im a day late i couldn't find my notebook that i write all this stuff down in the i forgot what day it was and i had to help babysit and now i remember and found my notebook

sorry im a day late and it's so late i couldn't find my notebook that i write all this stuff down in the i forgot what day it was and i had to help babysit and now i remember and found my notebook

Created by: mcqueen
  1. funny and true statements by fallout3 10 stars it makes me laugh so hard because there funny and true
  2. breathtaking secrets by singin234 11 stars this is going to be one hot quiz series
  3. fancy fantasy by twisted_roots 11 stars the termantor ani't go nothing on this quiz
  4. super love by jhawkgirl12 ll stars had me on the edge of my seat
  5. madness high by sllisianmatters 11 stars this quiz speaks for it's self
  6. who is you narnia:prince caspian boyfriend by lunalovegood3
  7. moon godess 1-3 by 1direction gurl I just love it hurry up and make part 4
  8. a one direction love story by jawkgirl12 10 stars pretty good it's like a reality show
  9. the unnoticed by secretlie5 10 stars if this was a show it would be a hit
  10. choose your own romance by bfaithr 9 stars I smell a hot love story
  11. unforgiven and unforgotten by cometlight 11 stars cometlight this quiz is out of this world(pun intened)
  12. love in los angeles by addibabyy 10 stars why aren't you writing books

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