Things About Me!

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So I guess no one really knows me, which explains why I/have hardly many friends oh here. So lalalala I'm bored and welp its just another s---ty level up quiz!

So just take the quiz I'm bored already lallala I'm a dark scaly unicorn, lol the opposite of pink fluffy unicorns is dark scaly unicorns. Oh dayumnnn

Created by: Mistyraindrops of The Enchanted Forest
(your link here more info)
  1. So as you may have already guessed by the title, this is a quiz about me!
  2. I am a unicorn! Joking
  3. I am a unicorn! Joking
  4. I like waffles!
  5. I am close to junior level!
  6. I have a crush on Adam...❤
  7. Darkness is sweet
  8. I'm bored
  9. Comment?
  10. Bye

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