The zombie survival quiz

Hopefully many people take this test.

And they will see what they would do in a zombie outbreak

Created by: Gavin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you in shape?
  2. In a zombie outbreak what roll would you play?
  3. If you had a group how many people would you want in it?
  4. Where would you say is the best place to set up camp?
  5. Zombies are at your door ready to break in you have to one of these four things what would you pick
  6. One person in your group gets bitten by a zombie what do you do?
  7. Do you have any guns?
  8. Your best friend is in the hospital when the zombie outbreak happens what do you do?
  9. You see five person shape figures what do you do?
  10. You are sitting at your computer taking my test and a zombie walks in what do you do?

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