the wildlife quiz

what animal do you most relate to???a cheetah, deer, bumblebee, bat, owl, snake, squirrel? you will find out in this very interactive quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!

are you a cheetah? fast and . or an owl, night person and sneaky. a deer fast and graceful, a bat, fast and camouflage. bee, very protective, a snake sneaky, powerful and night person all in one. a squirrel skittish and a fast sprinter

Created by: ashley and sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite colors
  2. what is the design that most represents YOU!
  3. what is your favorite outside activity?
  4. what is your favorite animal
  5. what is your favorite activity
  6. what do you do when bored
  7. you are/can...
  8. are you friendly
  9. what is your favorite type of food
  10. what is your favorite scenery
  11. if you could have a superpower what would it be
  12. what bad quality do you have

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