The true therian quiz!

This is a therian quiz! U can find out if u are a therian or an otherkin or an alterhuman or if u just know about them! I hope everyone enjoys this quiz!

This quiz isn’t always right u can use it for therian non-human knowledge or just to know about therians! If u get 40% it will tell u if ur most likely to be a therian or not!

Created by: Maryanne
  1. Is being a therian a choice?
  2. Do u think every therian gets a shift
  3. Are therians and furries the same
  4. Do therians eat animal food
  5. Do u think that therians know that their humans
  6. Do all therians have a past life?
  7. Do therians think their an animal
  8. Do all therians do quads?
  9. Do all therians have gear?
  10. Are therians and other kind the same

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