The Stupid Test

There are many stupid quizzes on but this is by far one of the most ridiculous possible. Hope you do well as it's pretty hard and it took me a while to learn the awnsers

There are many stupid quizzes on but this is by far one of the most ridiculous possible. Hope you do well as it's pretty hard and it took me a while to learn the awnsers

Created by: sammierox1997

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's the hardest quiz in the world now?
  2. If Pi=3.14 then Cake=?
  3. What's the Square Root of pants?
  4. Why does the world turn?
  5. The colour green is?
  6. Why do we use the word "why?"
  7. What weapon did German gunsmith August Kotter unload on the world in 1520?
  8. The End is?
  9. If the sun exploded right now what would happen next next?
  11. Just be cool and?
  12. Xboxs are the cheap scums while the playstation 3 is a high class lady
  13. The color blue is?
  14. What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat?
  15. You Took this why?

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