The stupid quiz

Blah blah blah. This is just a really weird quiz I made randomly. Take it if you like~~ Have funnnnn hehe I don't know what else to write XD .........

GOSH GTQ WHY MUST YOU NOT LET ME TYPE GIBBERISH OR excessive repeating characters GOD GTQ I HATE YOU IDK WHAT TO SAY HERE NNNNEH.... Welp. Go ahead~ Start it~ Tehheh~

Created by: DrowndInDarkness

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is 9+10?
  2. Told you this is a stupid quiz. I was just bored and needed to make one quickly before I leave class >.>
  3. Okay. We continue on. Pick a letter.
  4. I know what you're thinking. Chocolate bar isn't a letter. Its just a random answer owo
  5. Okay. So. I'm a dark one~ But also at times i'm real quiet and shy.. other times i'm cool and dark..
  6. I'm bored. And this quiz is boring.
  7. So I hand you a hershy's bar and tell you it's my favorite candy. What do you say?
  8. So I hand you a hershy's bar and tell you it's my favorite candy. What do you say?
  9. So. You go to a store. You meet me there. But you don't know it's me. I look at you and I can tell you have a gtq by reading your mind~ I go upto you and ask if you have a GTQ. You;
  10. Okay!! So, last question I need! Yay! So, Hug? \(^o~)/ ....... DON"T JUDGE ME I LOVE HUGS \o/

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