The story of my life

Hi! This is just some of my thoughts for a book I might write when I get older. (I'm only 12) well, have fun readin my thoughts! Ok I just have to make it a bit longer...

I'm tired right now, so I'm trying to make this quick. Btw, take these quiz series. Unnoticed, and Unforgotten. There so good! Ok wellz, school tomorrow. -_-

Created by: Birdsong234

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok this is just a story about a horse. She is all black with white speckles on her rump. Her name is Phantom. I plan on being an author when I grow up so, here's one of my ideas. Thanks!
  2. The rain was like icicles to my face. No mercy, no warmth. Even still, I walked along the trail I had become so familiar with. Now it was as if all those little dents in the ground were turning against me. Allow me to explain. I am a filly, and I had just gotten separated from my herd. Just an hour earlier, it had been a wonderful day. Lush, green grass to feed on, not a cloud in sight. But then the wind started. Then came the rain, and all I knew, all the things that were perfect, faded away as if they'd never been in my life. My father, Thunder, had predicted that this would happen. But did we listen? No. We were to busy feeding our already fed bodies, to careless to even take heed. I had chased a butterfly down to a beautiful stream, not knowing I would never see my herd again. I heard the shrieks coming from where my mother was, than an enormous clap of thunder. You could not feel the terror starting to explode in my heart. Then, all was lost to the rain and darkness.
  3. Now, I'm walking alone. Searching for a sign that my herd was there, but nothing. Nothing but the sound of my wailing heart, crying out for those I loved. I suddenly saw bright lights. Was I dying? Was I going insane? Or was someone helping me. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. When suddenly there was a thump. A figure walked towards me, nothing like any of the animals I had ever known. It was on it's hind legs, the only mane it had was on the top of it's head. This confused me, and made me whinny for my mother. The beast said something to me softly, and held out what looked like some kind of a hoof. Some unusual peach color, like that of the flowers we used to eat. I sniffed it, not knowing what to expect, when the beast stroked my forehead. It felt quite good, so I leaned towards it. The beast made a noise, and started to walk away. I suddenly saw what was making the lights, it was another beast, but nothing like the other one. It was enormous, not any color I knew, and it smelled like fire. The only comfort I knew was in the two legged beast, so I followed it. When I saw the thing attached to the back of it, it made me freeze, dead in my tracks. It was like the fire beast, but full of horse smells! I neighed loudly, and pressed my face against the beast, searching for my herd. To my disappointment, I knew none of them. They just stared at me, as if I was the weird one. The two legged beast came out of the horse home, and was holding some sort of a mane, all tied together. It said more soft words to me, and latched the mane onto my head. I whinnied, and tried to back away but the thing had a firm grip. It picked me up, set me in the fire beast carrying the horse home, and that was the last I saw of my beautiful home.
  4. (two years later) This sudden storm brought all of the memories from my home cascading back. It was like it's twin, but deadly. Much much worse than just rain, and thunder. This was a tornado. My mother had told me about these, and now my nightmares were coming true. The beast I had come to know as the gentle, had took me in that night. Gave me feed, water, and a cozy box that compared to my memories of my mother. I had met the other horses, and became their friends. My freckles on my rump started to show more brightly, showing like snow on my black satin coat. One horse I had become very close to, was Hawk. We were both friesians, so that was probably why I felt close to him. Maybe I wanted to be more than friends? Who knew what I was thinking. But back to the tornado. It started out as nothing more than a green sky, and no noise. Silence before the storm, they say. All the horses were cozy in their stalls, no idea about what was going to happen. I had just fallen asleep, when the wind started. Terrible wind, only those that have been in a tornado like this can explain. Then the ripping. The terrible ripping, and cracking, and shrieks of terror as the big box came down on top of us.
  5. Never in my life had I felt so much pain. Something was in my thigh, and I called out to Hawk, desperatly trying to find him. He ran out if his box, it was crushed by part of the big box. He ran towards me and nudged me to my feet quickly. I leaned on him as we ran out of the box, most of the horses following behind. My thigh was in excruciating pain, and I whinnied softly to him, as I sank down. Watching my second home being destroyed. Me and Hawk stayed in a ditch that night, evading the rest of that terrible storm. Somehow when I was sleeping, the box piece came out. Either by Hawk, or myself. I nudged Hawk, and got up, searching for the rest of the horses. They must have fled. I wouldn't blame them, I couldn't bear to see any of my fellow horses die. Me and Hawk ran towards my old homeland, wanting some other place than the ditch. It was fall bythe time we got there, and it was everything I remembered. But no herd. I had accepted that I would never see them again, but I had held onto a spark. All those years, just a spark. That now burned out as I could smell no other horses. Hawk and me thought that if we could start a herd, we could bring back the life into this land. So, we started with me and him.
  6. (2 more years later) Me and Hawk are the proud leaders of a herd. We had two foals so far, one was a pure black female, and the other was like me, but male. We had gathered 7 mares, and 3 foals, counting us we had a nice sized herd of 14 horses. It defiantly seemed like things were taking a turn for the better as we stayed where we were meant to be. Forever we stay.
  7. Sorry it was short! Just skip the rest plz! K thanks byezzzz :3
  8. Favorite color?
  9. Favorite horse?
  10. Okkkkkk tyyyyyy BYE!

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