The Star Wars character quiz

If you like star wars and you want to know what character you are do this questionnaire and find out which star wars character are you! So which character are you?

If you do like star wars and you want to know what character you are do this questionnaire and find out which star wars character are you! So which character are you?

Created by: Louis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a person was to give you a video with "confidential information" and they make the wrong swap what would you do.
  2. If you are in a ship and your crashing in to hoth what do you do.
  3. If you were on the way to a murder mission and you crashed in to the building and the man escaped what would you do?
  4. Why?
  5. Who would you kill if you could?
  6. Finished! Just answer any one.
  7. Finished! Just answer any one.
  8. Finished! Just answer any one.
  9. Finished! Just answer any one.
  10. Finished! Just answer any one.

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