The Sims Roleplay-Pigfarts Sorting Quiz

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Oh you may not think I’m fancy, but don’t judge me by what you see, I’ll curse myself if you can find a more clever quiz than me. I’ll ask some things and find you out to see which house is yours. Will you be brave enough to see what will be your final scores?

So try me out! Don’t be afraid! And don’t get in a tizzle! You’re in safe hands (though I have none), so let’s make it official! (This quiz is part of a Sims Roleplay Discord Server-if you love The Sims and roleplay, come join us!)

Created by: Jean Rhodes of Our Disboard
(your link here more info)
  1. Pick a supernatural Sim!
  2. What sort of Sims player are you?
  3. A wise old Sage presents you with 4 different boba drinks. Which one are you taking?
  4. You won the lottery and can now afford the biggest, fanciest house of your dreams! What Sims 4 world are you moving to?
  5. Uh oh, it’s Love Day and you don’t have a special someone to spend it with! What are you doing instead?
  6. While out for a walk, you come across an old wishing well. You decided to make a wish. What are you wishing for?
  7. Which set of traits from The Sims 3 describes you the best?
  8. By the power of some magical whim, you will be hired onto the next job to apply for! What dream job are you snagging?
  9. Pick a mythical creature to make your new pet!
  10. A cowplant’s cake produces an adaptable scent to attract the unwary. If it lured you, it would smell of:
  11. You are a vampire and you're starving. How do you peel a plasma fruit?
  12. What are you most looking forward to learning at Pigfarts?
  13. You and two friends need to cross a bridge guarded by a mummy who insists on fighting one of you before he will let all of you pass. Do you:
  14. A Normie Sim confronts you and says that they are sure you are a witch. Do you:
  15. Given the choice, would you rather invent a potion that would guarantee you what permanent buff?

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