The Simpsons Trivia by Blargiannet

Have you ever heard of a show called "The Simpsons"? If you didn't, then I assume you were in comma during the last 20 years. If you did, you shouldn't be surprised, as it is one of the best shows ever.

Find out if you are a worthy fan or just a TV addict. And don't worry, I won't ask you who shot Mr. Burns. That would be too primitive. Good Luck and try not too choose random options...

Created by: Blargiannet

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What object caused the death of Dr. Hibbert?
  2. What colour was the second predecessor of Snowball?
  3. Who was the owner of Santa's Little Helper's girlfriend before the Simpsons?
  4. In the sci-fi convention, Matt Groening offered Milhouse an original drawing of what Futurama character?
  5. What was Maggie's "first word" during the ending credits of "The Simpsons Movie"?
  6. What word did Homer shout to stop the enraged rhinos?
  7. What is the location of the "corpse pipe", inside Mr. Burns's office?
  8. Which of the Aliens is pointed out to be a female?
  9. One of the Homer clones in "Treehouse of Horror XIII" was actually what FOX character?
  10. Which of these didn't go to Scotland along with Mr. Burns?
  11. What kind of cathastrophe destroyed the Flanders' house?
  12. The Van Houten are currently...
  13. Who was Snake's "belloved cellmate"?
  14. Which of these is not banned for life from the Android's Dungeon?
  15. What creature tells Ralph to put things on fire?

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