The Shoutouts || 2018 || 17 January

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Created by: Jeeshan
  1. Jayfeather310: You're a nice user. You have a pretty face and seem friendly. You have an open personality and I never feel bored talking to you.
  2. DracoMalfoyFan: You're a Draco Malfoy and Ariana Grande fan, right? Well, you are beautiful both in looks and in person. You're an awesome friend. I like you. ^_^
  3. Mused Jade: You're a mature person and all newbies can learn a hell lot from you. You seem generally in high spirits and you are beautiful too!
  4. Mac1014: You seem like a good fella. We have talked a little in the past, and from what I can say, you're potentially a great friend. :)
  5. breadboy69: XD Man, you're probably the coolest guy in the whole of GTQ. Your unusually hilarious bread puns have won the hearts of every user. I wonder if there is anyone who hates you. ^_^
  6. DreamOfNight: XD My only sister in GTQ. You have taken care of me every time (via email) and acted like a responsible sister (which sucks >:P). Anyway, cut the crap, you're really awesome! And probably a great best friend material. :D
  7. dark shadow 99: It's been forever since we have had a good chat. You acted really nice. You seem kind, but sometimes you act like a little kid. And I like that. ^^ Looking forward to a great friendship!
  8. Percie: Crystal, you're the prettiest girl in the whole of London. You are a great friend, are fun to talk to, and know how to take care of people. You know how to satisfy a man. And you're a great roleplayer (if you remember the good ol' days *naughty smile*).
  9. AkiMaki: You're maturer than most of the users. You never got into useless fights in GTQ, always remain inside your small bubble yet you have a huge influence on the people. We all can learn a lot from you. :)
  10. That's it people!

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