The Short Shoobeeism Quiz. Are You a Good Shoo-bee? Pt. 1

Howdy folks. Hopefully you know nothing about what a Shoo-bee is, so this will make this quiz more enjoyable. But don't worry, nobody has a single clue on what it is, because I made it up. Have fun with this sweet little religious quiz.

A neat little quiz testing your adherence to the shiny, brand-new religion Shoobeeism. Combining elements from Bluu'dianity, Mizmom, Gooooooooodhism, and Mooidry, I'm sure you'll adore this adoration wee little quiz.

Created by: Shoobeedoobeedoo
  1. Which is more important? THIS LIFE or the AFTERLIFE?
  2. Thoughts on a GOD?
  3. How does God correlate to your Afterlife?
  4. What ACTIONS must you take to secure a positive Afterlife?
  5. Thoughts on Christianity?
  6. Thoughts on Islam?
  7. Thoughts on Buddhism?
  8. Thoughts on Germanic / Norse Heathenry, Celtic Druidism, and other ancient, traditional, and / or indigenous religions?
  9. Do you believe in a heaven?
  10. Do you believe in a hell?
  11. Do you have a holy book / Scripture?
  12. Do you hold to religious dietary laws?
  13. Do you make sacrifices and / or offerings?
  14. Should you spread the Good News of your religion?
  15. Do you veneration and protect the earth and nature?

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Quiz topic: The Short Shoobeeism Quiz. am I a Good Shoo-bee? Pt. 1
