The Shia LaBeouf Quiz

Are you completely in LOVE with SHIA LABEOUF? After all, he IS pretty steamy...or is he? Yes, as it turns out, he IS! Yay! Now take this quiz, but only if you share my love of Shia.

Now, take this quiz to see your level of Shia-awesomeness.But i must warn you, it will be brutal if you don't like Shia. You might not come out of it alive...

Created by: Jackie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Is Shia LaBeouf totally hot?
  2. When is Shia's B-Day?
  3. Who's on my/your desktop?
  4. If you could be anyone from any movie, who would you be?
  5. What would you do if Shia came up to you and asked you out?
  6. Are you friends with someone JUST because their name is Shia?
  7. Who's in your buddy list?
  8. And lastly, how many Shia movies do you own?
  9. Sorry, not lastly, how many killer tats does Shia have?
  10. NOW lastly, what will you name your kid if you have one? (even if it's a girl)?

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