The Rebekah Ellen Quiz

Rebekah Ellen is a great person. She works hard to acomplish goals in her life. Many know her. But do they truly know her? Do they know her intrests? What do they know about her?

Do you know know Rebekah Ellen? Do you have the right to call yourself her friend? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, you'll find out!

Created by: Rebekah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is her favorite color?
  2. What color of hair does she have?
  3. What color of eyes does she have?
  4. What kind of pet does she have and how many?
  5. What is her favorite pet's name?
  6. What is her favorite Trilogy?
  7. Who is the author of this trilogy?
  8. How does she like her eggs?
  9. How many friends does she have?
  10. How many children are in her famliy, including her?

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