The Random Horse Quiz

Some people are more high strung than others. But if you were a horse, how would that change? Are you a toned and true stallion, a flirty and gorgeus mare, or a laid back gelding?

In this quiz you'll find out. Have fun flirting, being cute, being lazy. I can't think of more to say, so just take the quiz!! Please, for the misunderstood people, be cool!

Created by: Moogoo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a horse, and you are just lazing in your stall. What are you thinking?
  2. Before I go on, In all of the questions you are a horse. You have just eaten dinner. What are you doing now?
  3. You have just gone out on a long ride. What are the horses around you doing?
  4. What dicipline have you just ridden in?
  5. What is your number one priority at this moment? (You are still a horse)
  6. What breed of horse are you?
  7. What is your favorite snack?
  8. Dogs are...
  9. What is your favorite acsessory?
  10. Where are you going right now? (Still a horse)

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