The Moonphase Quiz 3

For all of you who have taken The Moonphase Quiz, and The Moonphase Quiz 2, I have finally done it!!! For your pleasure, THE MOONPHASE QUIZ 3!!!!!!!!! Yay! Take it NOW!!

I was horribly disgusted by the first two Moonphase quizzes, so I started making this one. It took a long while, but I've finally done it. Hooray, Moonphase!

Created by: Ethan Nelson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does blood make you squeamish?
  2. Do you like the taste of blood?
  3. Ever drank blood other than your own?
  4. Would you ever drink blood other than your own?
  5. Do vampires turn you on?
  6. What is your favorite kind of vampire?
  7. Do you have sharp teeth?
  8. Can you go into the sun?
  9. Do you like cats?(Allergies are no excuse!!)
  10. Are you sadistic or masochistic
  11. Do you have multiple personalities?
  12. Are your parents still together?
  13. Do you hate one/both parents?
  14. Do you like men, women or both?
  15. Ever been engaged?
  16. Do you believe in spirits?
  17. Can you see spirits?
  18. Do you like the bad monkey?
  19. Have you ever eaten cat ear buns?
  20. Do you like cat ear buns?
  21. Have you ever done something so stupid that a basin appeared out of nowhere and hit you on the head?
  22. Do you know what a neko mimi is?
  23. Have you ever worn a neko mimi?
  24. Ever been forcibly locked in a castle?
  25. Do you think the cat suit was ghetto?
  26. Ever pulled a cork out of your back yard and sunk your house into the ocean?
  27. Can you sit still for a long time?
  28. Have you had your blood drank by someone else?

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