The Me Quiz =]]]

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. What's a genius?? Someone that aces all the tests and can remember someones name... So good luck

Are you a genius? Take the quiz to find out.. But if you don't know me and you got this off MySpace then i don't think you should expect a good grade .. SORRY!

Created by: Jess

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what are my three favorite colors?
  2. who is my brother?
  3. whats my dogs name?
  4. who are my 2 best friends?
  5. Whats my favorite video-gamey-thing??
  6. who are my neighbors?
  7. whats my favorite song?
  8. who am i REALLY -kinda- mad at right now.?.?
  9. what colors my house??
  10. do i have a cellphone?

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